Sunday, May 30, 2010

All hail the almighty Mobile Phone

In the modern world of which we live in, there is the predominant theme of if you don't have the best and newest technology available then you are not with the times. Adults whose most major piece of technology in the past would have been their colour TV now have computers with high speed broadband which they can barely understand the use of or how it even works. Kids as young as 10 are now seen with Playstation 3's and mobile phones with more circuitry and technology than NASA had in all of their computers when they first sent man to the moon. In fact, almost everyone has a mobile phone, and in many cases more than one. The mobile phone is slowly becoming the most predominantly used screen of the 21st century, as pretty much anyone that you meet in a developed nation will have one. The most noticeable effect of the modern mobile phones is that they are often seen as hand-held computers with all of the amounts of technology contained within them allowing them to do things such as watch movies and television, take photos, access the internet, play games, listen to music, draw, and can even be used as a phone...
Now, I'm not sure about the rest of you, but it slightly saddens me to see kids in primary school with their own mobile phones. When I was their age I wasn't running around with a mobile, racking up a phone bill by texting my friends whom I saw pretty much everyday and being expected to be responsible for it, I had a Tamagochi which I looked after like many of my friends did, and it taught as a very different type of responsibility which this new generation seems to have missed based on the increase in the number of younger teenage pregnancies globally. The point I am making here is that it is better for them to have a different type of responsibility such as a pet instead of a piece of technology which, while it is useful in rare events such as emergencies, is often more of a problem then help.
The extra screen provided by anyone down to the age of about 10 having on their mobile phone is a necessary evil, though it needs to be controlled in usage. Between the television, computer, digital cameras and movies, are there not enough screens in our world which are causing the rift of sociality within generations to decrease significantly, without adding the mobile phone to the younger, more susceptible generation? At least until the introduction of information, television and movies being beamed directly into out brains (thank you Doctor Who and The Simpsons), can we not reduce the impact upon our world and future generations by reducing the number of screens available to them?

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